So, without further ado, and in the words of Ed McMahon, "Heeeeeere's Hubband"!
Let's get all the niceties out of the way. These are all true, but they make for a really sappy post. And besides he hears it all the time from me anyway! He's an amazing husband, a great dad a super-duper step-dad and the best friend a goil like me could have. We have a ton of fun together, we cry together and we laugh A LOT together. We are just plain good together. And I like him. I'll keep him thankee very much!
Ok, now. The thing ya gotta know about Hubband is this. During the day? He doesn't go to a stark, cold sterile office like the rest of us. Oh. no. He's working at home. And being Mr. Mom. And doing the laundry...yes, ladies...he does laundry. But not windows. He doesn't do windows. Hmmm...come to think of it. Neither do I! See, I told you we were good together! the moon creeps up in the sky, he can often be found heading out to his office. His office, however, doesn't look like mine. It doesn't have an ugly desk and some beige paint on the walls and file cabinets. Nope. His office looks like this....

Yes, that's what his office often looks like. It's him at Radio City Music Hall. Can you see him? Right there...third from the left in the fourth row? See him? No?
His office can also look like this

See all of the adoring fans...those are his. They are all calling for him. But I'm ignoring them and taking his picture from the side of the stage. See him this time? He's right next to that trombone player guy. What? You still can't see him?
He also has worked at his office in Epcot....

Yes, there he is folks....Mr. Hubband....Third from the right. It really is him live from his office in sunny Florida. Or as was the case during this particular Epcot tour...Thunder and Lightening Florida.
So, usually, I am very, very jealous of his office whether its a broadway pit, a famous stage, a sunny location, or a famous stage with thousands of adoring fans. (Except when I get to work along side him as the sax player) But one thing is for sure. I am never, ever jealous of him when he has to work at this office....

Brrrrrr...I'm cold just looking at this. Baby, its cold outside!
So, now you know a little bit about Mr. Hubband aka Recipe-Tester extraordinaire, aka love of my life, aka Trumpet Player extraordinaire etc....etc..... Now we can continue on and get to the recipes. And if you don't like them, well....then I guess it will be Mr. Hubband the Recipe-Tester who lands in the dog house!
xoxoxo until the next tail