Alright, I'm taking that first step and finally putting pen to paper. No wait, we don't write with pens anymore do we? I'm finally putting finger to keyboard and actually writing something in this blog that I designed months ago.
I first decided to start a blog - not to interest anyone out there in cyberspace. Hellllloooooo? Anyone out there????? (crickets chirping).
But truly to write down musings when I can and perhaps feel a bit lighter going through my day from either venting about the little things that build up into big piles of steaming poo or by chuckling about the funny little things that happen in the course of a life.
So, back those months ago and being proud of what I designed all by my lonesome, I went home and told the boys about it. Let's just say they weren't too sure they wanted their undies hanging out for the world to see. Told dear hubband about it and he wasn't too sure he wanted to be seen in his undies either. So......I decided to table the blog-for-myself idea and see how I felt about it down the road a piece.
And now, here we are, just me and my keyboard.....and the crickets....and I'm taking the plunge without airing any dirty undies. My husband and my four boys are the most important people in the world to me and I solemnly swear on my bloggy honor....not to flash any of their skivvies for the world to see. I promise!!!
What I will do here is jot down a bit of my life and share some. I figure...though we may never really know...that the journey will weave through some of my favorite things in, music, puppies, kids, and probably, definitely, most likely, absolutely include a few rantings and ravings about what bothers me most in life. He He...what would life be without throwing someone out to the dog house once in a while?? Figuratively speaking of course. So onward and upward! ho! Or....let's play ball. Or whatever the appropriate starting words are for inaugurating a new blog.
Until our next "tail" from Chateau Bow Wow....
Happy 17th Birthday, Kid
2 years ago